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Interesting information about the moon


Interesting information about the moon

Our earth was formed about four and a half billion years ago. When our Earth was born, there was no moon of our Earth. But after that, a big little planet collided with our earth and millions of pieces spread in space. Some pieces went into space but some pieces started to revolve around the Earth due to the gravity of the Earth, the pieces got revolving and the moon was formed.

This moon is the only planet in the earth. It looks very beautiful from the earth but there are some interesting facts about this moon which we are going to tell you. Let us know some interesting facts about the moon-
1-Most people know that the moon is round but actually our moon is not round but oval. When the moon was formed, the moon was spherical but due to the gravity of the earth it has become egg-shaped.
2-12 people have visited our moon till now 1969 Neil Arm Strong was the first person who went to the moon. 

1972 Eugene Cernan was the last person to go to the moon since then no one has visited the moon yet.
3-The normal diameter of our moon is 3475 km. Based on this, the moon has 181 satellites in our solar system. The moon is considered to be the fifth largest satellite of the solar system. Jupiter is the largest satellite in the solar system.
4-When we look at the Earth and the Moon, they appear similar in size, but in fact the Sun is millions of times larger than the Moon.
5-The moon is only 27 percent of the size of the Earth.
6-The weight of the moon is about 81 billion tons.
7 - If the moon does not come out then the day on earth will be 6 hours.
8-Moonlight reflects as much light as the moon in the night that if we place three lakh moons in place of one moon, we will get as much light as we get at 12:00 pm.

9-Do you know that every year the moon has been about one and a half inches away from us when our moon was formed, it was located 22000 kilometers from the earth but now it is located at 384403 kilometers, 600 million years after the Earth. The moon will move away from the earth, the moon will look like a star.
10-moon diameter is a fourth of the diameter of the earth, based on the figures, about 49 moons can be contained on the earth.
11-Scientists from many countries claimed to have water on the moon, but no one had discovered that the scientists of India had first discovered water on the moon.

12-moon gravity causes tidal ebb on the earth but the gravity of the moon is not so strong that it can pull any solid earth's earth but the moon manages to pull the ocean waves to some extent due to which the tide Ebb comes.
13-The Moon temperature reaches minus 153 ° C at night and the daytime temperature rises to 180 ° C. At 100 ° C, the water starts boiling, so you can understand how many moons get hot.
Moon Temperature

14- Blue is seen when you look at the sky from the earth, but when you look at the moon, the sky appears black, it is because there is no atmosphere there.
15-Moon's Day equal to 29 days of Earth. 
 16-We can only see 60 percent of the moon but in 1959 Russia's Luna-3 photographed 40 percent of the moon and people were able to see this part through the picture.
17 - Many stained spots appear on the moon. About 3.8 billion years ago, many asteroids hit the moon due to which there were many pits in the moon. The largest crater of the moon is Aitken.
Moon's spot

 The width of this pit is 2400 kilometers on the moon. Meteor bodies are always falling when there is no atmosphere.
18-As you know that our earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees due to which the weather changes on our earth, that is why it rains, heat, rain.
Have you ever wondered why our Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees, this tilt is also due to the gravity of the moon, due to which our earth remains stable and our earth remains balanced, if the moon does not have gravity then sometimes our earth 23 degrees will sometimes go into 50 degrees. For example, Saturn, which sometimes tilts too much, sometimes less.
19-If there was no gravity in the Moon, our Earth cannot remain stable at 23 degrees and its inclination always changes. Due to which, in many places on Earth, it will be very cold for 6 months and very hot for 6 months. It would have been very difficult for a man to live on earth.

20-It is impossible to talk on the moon because there is no wind.
21-The Moon rotates on its axis at a speed of 1.22 km per second.

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