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These are animals that even die for their children


These are animals that even die for their children

Friends, there is no one in this world better than the mother. We can't imagine our life without our mother. Only the mother in the world has such a relationship that is connected to us selflessly. The mother loves her children very much and in return, she takes nothing from us. This relationship is found in other organisms besides us humans. Other creatures also love their children, but there are some creatures who love their children very much and for this, they give up their lives. let's go and know about such creatures who sacrifice their lives for their children.   

1- Lineatus Spiders

This spider is very rare which is found in some desert areas of Europe. This spider is not much larger than 15 mm. When this spider is unable to collect food for his children, he kills himself in front of his children.

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Lineatus Spiders

 After this, her children come to her and eat her. This is how the spider feeds its babies.

2-Borneo Ants

So far 13000 species of ants have been discovered, one of the same species is Borneo ants. Most of the ants do their work together but these ants are very special. When someone attacks them, they all attack their enemy together. But their special thing is that when it is not able to win over its enemy, then it blows itself up with a bomb.

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Borneo Ants

 You must be wondering how it can happen that someone can blow themselves up but when their house is attacked, she explodes in her stomach. When she does this, a glowing substance comes out of her stomach which is poisonous, In this way these ants save their other companions and their house by sacrificing themselves. Scientists themselves have known about these things for 200 years before it was first learned about it in 1916 but it was officially named in 1935.

3-Pacific Salmon

You must have heard the names of many types of fish but most of the fish are not dangerous. But some fish are very dangerous that attack immediately.

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Pacific Salmon

 But this fish is very sacrificial by nature. This fish is born in clear water but after being born it goes into saltwater and lives there. But when it has to be laid, it again goes into clean water. The reason for this is that its eggs can survive only in clean water, this fish dies after laying eggs.


You must have known about the octopus, but today we will tell you some things that you might not know. Octopus gives birth to children only once in their lifetime.


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After laying eggs, the octopus stays with its eggs until the baby comes out of the eggs. She does not leave her eggs even for a moment, it takes about 10 months to do this. This causes the female octopus to die.  


This organism is very dangerous. These prey on snakes, frogs lizards, or small creatures. Once it captures an organism, it is impossible to avoid it. The legs in front of it are such that once someone catches it, it stops completely and does not even get moving. It starts eating prey alive. 

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Most organisms require the union of males and females to increase their offspring. In such a situation, when the male mantis goes to the female mantis to mate, the female mantis suddenly attacks the male mantis during the meeting and starts eating it. 

According to scientists, the female mantis does this because it needs plenty of nutrients after mating and that is why the male eats the mantis. Surprisingly, even the male mantis knows that this meet is their last life meet, but they sacrifice their lives to increase their lineage.


The female scorpion sacrifices herself to raise her children. In fact, when she gives birth to her children she cares a lot. She sits her children on her back and looks for a safe place. 

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Mostly these children sit on their mother's back until they grow up. Children eat their mother's back Mother endures this pain and dies, thus sacrificing her life and nurturing her children. 

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